Monday, January 9, 2017

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Ok, this Movie is fairly new being that it was released in 2016 and I have been procrastinating on seeing it had enough of the throwing it off like it was a homework assignment. I and my hubby finally watched it sat and it's not a bad horror movie but not the best either

It is a simple story really son is helping father with a mortuary business and not to long ago the mother died making them working together kinda hard on the night that the shit hit the fan the son was supposed to take off and go out with his girlfriend but got a visit that a special body was coming in and the son comes back to help the father out and pretty much shit happens if I was to say exactly what shit it would give away the movie lmao

the movie had a very surreal Hitchcock vibe to it and there was that air of mystery but I feel they could have built more on the story aspect of the movie and less on the visual art so I give this 6 out of 10 stars